I've been reading these post about the shutdown problems with the Pavillion dv6.The one I have that has the same problem has a 595135001 motherboard.This laptop came from a customer. I started the test with Eurosoft PC check software version This software checks: motherboard controllers, processor, hard drive, memory, usb, serial and parallel ports and about a 100 other things. It doesn't detect some motherboard problems. Those checks has to be done by the manufactorer and who's going to get that done if it's out of warranty.The only way I was able to get it to complete one round of test has to place it on running case fans. Everything passed and it shutdown sometime during the second round of test. I've removed the heat sink and cleaned off the old grease and applied new paste and verified the fan is clean and running. Didn't change anything. I forget what the temp rating is on the processor but the processor temp was never an issue. I can tell you what isn't causing the problem. It's not software or a bad sector on a hard drive. It's most likely a componet on the motherboard thats faulty. It could a connect that opens from a little expansion on the motherboard. I don't know whats causing it and it's not worth anymore of my time. And I wouldn't buy a replacement board. It's certain that this model of HP laptops has a problem. This laptop the problem started when it was 7 months out of warrenty. Good thing for HP. Sorry for the long post and no solution. Joe at WKYComputers.com