Adding pictures for clarification
The most likely reason you are seeing the "Load Driver - a required CD/DVD drive device is missing" is because "System Configuration" > "USB3.0 Config in Pre-Boot" is set to "Enabled". This must be set to "Auto". This should clear up the CD/DVD device missing.
Your "System Configuration" > "Boot Options" shot shows "Legacy Support" DISABLED and "Secure Boot" ENABLED... this must be changed to install Windows 7.
After saving the changes, the computer will request that you confirm the changes... Accept the changes by typing the four digit code and pressing the "ENTER" key.
You must boot using the UEFI-Internal CD/DVD or UEFI-USB Key/Drive to install Windows on a GPT partitioned disk. Turn on or reboot the computer and tap "F9" or "ESC" and then "F9" when prompted. Highlight the UEFI boot source you are using and press "ENTER".
Windows 7 should begin the install process. You should now be able to load the Intel "floppy F6 drivers" from a USB stick. Make sure to extract the drivers and place them on a seperate USB stick.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
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